Purple Finch Farm
Our bucklings, Jasper and Onyx (Lil Bit Country EB Paisley X Yellow Point MS Texas Rye), will be ready for a herd of their own toward the end of May. Message us for further info. https://www.facebook.com/Purple-Finch-Farm-105378285469225 ![]() Cresta Roca Farm is a small permaculture farm located on Gabriola Island and we selectively breed registered Nigerian Dwarf goats. We participate in sanctioned shows and our herd has been classified by the Canadian Goat Association with results available to customers. Our farm has tested annually for the past 6 years for CAE/Johne's with negative results and our herd shows no signs of CL.
We currently have kids born that will be available in early to mid April. We have wethered kids, and doeling/wethered sibling available. Deliveries can be made to Nanaimo or directly to the farm upon arrangement. We do not have any single or doeling pairs available at this time. Please contact us for more info at 250-325-7161 or [email protected] Cresta Roca Farm facebook Snapdragon Goat Dairy will have a number of purebred registered Toggenburg doe kids for sale this spring. Our entire herd is tested for CAE and Johnes annually – all negative. We are CL free as well. We breed for friendly, hardy Toggs that milk well. This years’ buck was Eder’s Krazy Horse out of a doe who scored 91 in appraisal with an excellent udder. Two of our does have their milk stars and we are milk testing (CGS program) this year as well. We are also on the national Scrapie prevention program. Contact Jaki or Karen for more information, we are open to people coming out to look at the herd with appropriate social distancing and mask wearing.