We’d love to have you join us! Have a question about membership?
MEETINGS: As a VIGA member, you are welcome to attend any or all of the seven to nine meetings held every year to provide input and vote on VIGA matters, as well as socialize, network, and LEARN! Mentoring new goat owners is one of our priorities. (Even if you are not a member, you are welcome to attend as a guest!)
COMMUNICATION: E-mail updates are sent out regularly to VIGA members to keep you “in the loop”. There is also a newsletter for members only. You can join our members-only Facebook group to post questions and tips, and discuss goat or VIGA related topics.
ADVERTISE: All VIGA members are entitled to a listing in the VIGA directory brochure to advertise goats, goat products, and goat related services, as well as other farm products/services. All VIGA members are also able to publish goats for sale on our website, which is then posted and shared to facebook.
To join just VIGA the membership RATES are per calendar year:
2024 VIGA membership rate: $25 per membership (Canadian dollars)
The membership year begins January 1 and ends December 31.
To join the Vancouver Island Goat Association:
Fill out online form and send in payment
Payment options:
(preferred method) send an e-transfer to [email protected],
pay by cash or cheque at a meeting
click on the Buy Now button to pay with credit card or PayPal account (if using PayPal, please add $2 for the processing fee for a total of $27).
Please send your full name and location, as well as any other information you would like to include to [email protected] so that we can update our records and include you in emails.
Please add $2 to the membership fee of $25 if using PAYPAL